Squirrel with a Gun, a game you didn't know you need in your library, but you do

An experience filled with violence and crime

Squirrel with a Gun, a game you didn't know you need in your library, but you do

An experience filled with violence and crime

The video game industry is diverse, with game productions ranging from true masterpieces to completely chaotic experiences. In this case, we'll tell you about a game that falls into the second category, a hidden gem that seems incredibly entertaining.

As the name implies, the title allows players to take on the role of a squirrel armed with a gun! The little mammal holds a wide range of weapons at his disposal, including a 9 mm, an uzi, and even a machine gun.

The game's goal is straightforward, but sometimes simplicity distinguishes video game production. According to Squirrel with a Gun's Steam page, the goal is to commit as many crimes and misdemeanors as possible without being caught by the agents.

The game's main character, like a real squirrel, can use his natural abilities to climb trees and explore the residential area from new perspectives. It is also possible to interact with the nearby neighbors with the intent of either helping or robbing them. Remember, the goal is to complete as many crimes as possible!

Developer Daniel DeEntremont of Squirrel with a Gun meticulously studied the animal's movements to perfectly recreate them in the game.

DeEntremont takes his work very seriously. In a tweet, the developer wrote: ''Longbois such as squirrels, rats, and ferrets benefit from a little spine bending as they turn.''

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