Skate 4 will be free-to-play in order to attract a younger audience

How do you do, fellow kids?

Skate 4 will be free-to-play in order to attract a younger audience

How do you do, fellow kids?

The brand new skate. also known as Skate 4 is still pretty much a secret, except for all the leaks and rumours around it. Only this last month we learn that this title will be free-to-play, although Electronic Arts assured us that it will not be pay-to-win.

Full Circle Studio, the developers in charge of the project, published a video breaking down the reason for the name, and the details about its free-to-play model which will not include loot boxes however they missed a very important point… Why did they decide to make it free-to-play?

Luckily, the company gave an answer to that question during its most recent financial report. Surprising to perhaps a few people, the decision to change the model was made in hopes of 2attracting younger gamers”. Specifically, the skateboarding game will look to appeal to the Alpha and Z generations.

In case you don't know, generation Z contemplates all people who were born between 1997 and 2012, meaning they are between 9 and 24 years old at the moment. On the other hand, generation alpha considers people who were born after 2010, meaning they are 12 years old or younger.

Sorry ladd, we are not the target demographic anymore

During the presentation of the financial report, Laura Miele, Chief Operating Officer at Electronic Arts, acknowledged the importance of Z and Alpha demographic and highlighted how younger gamers consume content.

"One of the most important growth potentials we have as a company is how we appear to Generation Z and Alpha users; how they connect socially, how they consume content, There is a significant focus from the team on this.”

Andrew Wilson, CEO of Electronic Arts, explained that younger people turn to video games as their main form of entertainment and that they consume more content of that nature than any other generation.

"Skateboarding is kind of a cultural language for many generations. It transcends so many things, certainly geography, and when we think about the ability to unite a global community of young people through the language of skateboarding, we think this represents one of the biggest and strongest opportunities we have to build a deeply engaged global online community,”

While it sounds funny, Electronic Arts’ strategy is completely normal and a very smart one.

But tell us, what do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


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