Hooked on You, Dead by Daylight's dating simulator, now available on Steam!

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Hooked on You, Dead by Daylight's dating simulator, now available on Steam!

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One of the biggest surprises of Dead by Daylight's sixth-anniversary presentation was the announcement of Hooked on You, a dating simulator starring the characters from that game that has just come out as a surprise on Steam.

You might think this is a joke from the developers, but it's not. If you're familiar with this title's gaming community, you'll know that fans like to ignore its cruel premise to pair their characters in fanart and fanfics, which is why Psyop's (I Love You, Colonel Sanders) piece makes perfect sense.

This story takes place on 'Murderer’s Island.' We will spend our vacations with four extremely attractive serial killers who, beneath their homicidal exterior, are just looking for a little romance.

The four killers we can try to conquer in Hooked on You are:

  • The Trapper
  • The Huntress
  • The Wraith
  • The Spirit

We will play mini-games with them, such as volleyball, treasure hunting, and meat cutting. Some survivors, such as Dwight and Claudette, will also appear.

You can now buy Hooked on You for $9.99. Players who purchase this dating simulator will receive a one-of-a-kind Dead by Daylight charm.

Along with this new dating sim, developer Behaviour Interactive also released a new trailer for their latest collaboration with Resident Evil called PROJECT W.

Who will you be hitting on? Let us know in the comments!


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