Is Stadia shutting down? Google, I’m feeling lucky…

Rumors have it that a Google regional manager confirmed the supposed shutdown

Is Stadia shutting down? Google, I’m feeling lucky…

Rumors have it that a Google regional manager confirmed the supposed shutdown

How about we start this week with some Google news? This one is particularly interesting for the gaming community. Turns out that somewhere on the internet, someone spread a rumor about Google Stadia shutting down very soon. As expected, many people contacted the company to ask for further information on this decision.

And it all began with a tweet.

The post came from a Twitter account that dedicates its entire feed to announce services “killed by Google” (as you can imagine, there are plenty.) A couple of images with a “serious” declaration from a trustworthy source declared that Google Stadia would shut down at the summer's end.

The post reads: "Old coworker and friend of mine, Is now one of the regional managers for Google. He's actually the one who got me started with Stadia. They had a pretty large employee/retail seminar in California this past weekend, and long story short, Google is beginning its exit plan. They did not have an exact date that end of service will happen, but they did say by the end of summer."

At some point, the rumor even suggests that Stadia users would be soon notified about this decision, alongside a refund for the last month of service.

This rumor didn’t last too long before someone reached out to Google Stadia via Twitter for the scoop. And as you can probably imagine by now, they denied the entire thing: "Rest assured we're always working on bringing more great games to the platform and Stadia Pro,” the tweet reads.

To spread the answer to a bigger audience (and make clear that they weren’t shutting down), Stadia made fun of the rumor/tweet and used it to advertise a game that would be arriving at said service:

It’s so easy to begin a rumor with no backup sources and yet so dangerous. Why would someone do this? Who knows. Possibly a former employee wants to get back at Google, a friend-of-a-friend situation, or an error while reading or listening to something. The good thing is that the whole gossip was stopped and denied instantly.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you use Google Stadia? Let us know in the comment section!



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