Xenoblade Chronicles will not end soon, its getting more releases!

The series will still go on

Xenoblade Chronicles will not end soon, its getting more releases!

The series will still go on

With the official launch of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 just a few hours away, the official Nintendo page released the latest part of “Ask the Developer Vol. 6” interview with Xenoblade devs; Tetsuya Takahashi, Senior director and chief creative officer at MONOLITHSOFT, Koh Kojima producer and director of the game and Genki Yokota Nintendo’s lead.

In the two previously released parts, they discussed everything about the upcoming title, how they develop their idea, what are the surprises that wait for us and a detailed review of game mechanics.

However, this last part gave us a pleasant surprise. Genki Yokota mentioned before that Xenoblade Chronicles series will culminate after its third release, nonetheless, seems like plans changed drastically as he mentioned that he wants to “Keep it [Xenoblade Chronicles] going as long as possible!”

That is not all…

They also discussed future instalments, and the game's DLC plan was also brought up. Apparently, the upcoming story DLC will have "quite a high volume of content that will not let [us] down” which will be added at the end of the expansion pass.

According to them the volume of content is as large as Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country, so we should clear up our agendas, as we are going to spend a good time with it.

Remember, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 arrives tomorrow for Nintendo Switch.



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