Kirby And The Forgotten Land team says how mouthful mode came about

Regardless of his transformation, we all know Kirby will still be cute

Kirby And The Forgotten Land team says how mouthful mode came about

Regardless of his transformation, we all know Kirby will still be cute

Kirby and the Forgotten Land came out last March of this year, and it was in that month that fans were impressed with the new transformations of the Kirby character. Because of this, an interview has been translated in which those responsible for the game explained how Mouthful Mode originated.

In case you don't know the game or Kirby and you have no idea what we mean, we explain that the Mouthful Mode consists of the character of Kirby having a new ability in which he can technically absorb any object and become it from a refrigerator to a car.

We will show it to you in the following image:


The interview we mentioned was translated by Nintendo Everything and was done for a Japanese magazine called Nintendo Dream. In it, those responsible for the game explained how they came to the idea of ​​this new ability which they nicknamed Mouthful Mode, being the following:

“In making the game, we reconsidered Kirby's mystery and changing nature. The idea of ​​Mouthful Mode has been around for a while. Once we knew this game would be something new in the series, we started the conversation about what Kirby is? We wanted to allow Kirby to do things that existing human characters couldn't. That idea, combined with the challenge of doing something new, became the concept of Mouthful Mode.” said developer Shinya Kumazaki.

As you can see, it seems that this mode was already in the minds of those responsible for Kirby, and it was not until his last adventure that they decided to use it to take advantage of the new scenarios.

Kirby And The Forgotten Land is available exclusively on Nintendo Switch.

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