Nintendo Switch Sports confirms the date of its first major update

We share all the news that will come to the game

Nintendo Switch Sports confirms the date of its first major update

We share all the news that will come to the game

For a few months now, sports fans have been enjoying Nintendo Switch Sports, a game that reminded them of Wii Sports years ago. Now, Nintendo has announced that they are working on their first update which is coming very soon.

Nintendo Switch Online debuted on the hybrid console last April, and since then it has become a good option, especially for challengers.

Nintendo Switch Sports
Nintendo Switch Sports

Since its launch, Nintendo announced that the game would be receiving several updates and improvements as well as new content, and finally, the first update is coming just as promised.

Here you can see it:

As you can confirm from the tweet, the first major update is coming to the game on July 27th and will include leg strap functionality for soccer matches and new volleyball moves.

In addition to this, you will now be able to rise to the top of the Pro League online with the addition of the new S Rank and ∞ Rank.

It is worth mentioning that, despite what was thought, the update does not add a new sport, so fans will have to wait a little longer before it happens.

Stay informed on LEVEL UP.


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