Mojang is banning NFTs on Minecraft

Before things heat up, the team is drawing the line

Mojang is banning NFTs on Minecraft

Before things heat up, the team is drawing the line

While some companies have a questionable relationship with NFTs and blockchain there are many others who have drawn a line and denied support to this model.

Today in a new update, the team at Mojang Studios defined Minecraft’s position on NFTs and blockchain, mainly because a good part of the community has been asking for clarification and transparency on this topic.

The short answer is no, Mojang is not supporting and neither will allow NFT integrations on their game for now; actually, they are in the process of updating the Minecraft Usage Guidelines to offer more precise guidance on new technologies.

What will happen exactly?

If you are a regular player without any ties to NFTs, don’t worry these adjustments will not affect you however, if you're a player or creator actively involved in the buying, selling, or trading of NFTs that make use of Minecraft you are advised to stop right now as this are not permitted inside the game anymore.

You may be wondering why and the answer is pretty simple, blockchain technologies usually create models of scarcity and exclusion that conflict with their Guidelines and the spirit of Minecraft. So in order to ensure a safe and inclusive experience, the team at Mojang will keep a close eye on everything related to this topic.

Of course, they have also mentioned that they will be paying close attention to how blockchain technology evolves over time to determine whether it will allow for more secure experiences or other practical and inclusive applications in the future.

What do you think about Mojang’s decision? Let us know in the comments below.



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