Bojack Horseman is a Netflix animated show that many of you may already know and have watched by now. If this is the case, you can probably remember that the show is filled with iconic moments and quotes. Some even come with pearls of wisdom we can’t let pass by. Here are some of the most memorable ones to get you started this week:
Awww, Mr. Peanutbutter, the graphic definition of golden retriever personality. He has a big heart and a giant ego, but he always cares for his friends (in a weird way). With this quote, he just hit the jackpot. Stop caring about what people think, don’t let that stop you from doing anything!
Oof, so much wisdom. But not everybody is ready to be ok with it. Most of the time, our comfort zone looks like the search for validation, but certain life truths. And when we’re not ready to hear what we need, we expect to listen to what we want people to tell us. Sometimes we just lack openness.
This is one of my personal favorites from the entire show. It applies to anything you set your mind to. Anything. The hardest part is not to start, but the second part: is to keep going.
We are not alone, even when we think we are. That’s why it’s essential to know who we relate to and who we can lean on. Sometimes things can get tricky, which is why the kind of connections we make are valuable.
This one has helped me immensely, not only for my mental health but all my endeavors. Whenever I’m unsure if I can achieve my goals, I pretend I already have mastery in them and eventually feel more confident about them.
This is great relationship advice. We already know we should watch out for red flags; they never tell you to look for them while wearing rose-colored glasses. It’s kind of harsh, but it will do a lot for you when L-O-V-E doesn’t let you see past the feelings and the excitement.
There are moments when we blame everything that’s happening to us on external situations (a failed job or relationship). And most of the time, we don’t reflect on what’s going on on the inside. Therefore, we must be responsible for ourselves. This is extensive advice whenever you feel under the weather (or under the sea, lol).
Escaping your problems rarely ever solves anything. But, of course, this is a coping mechanism we can all use now and then. But be careful what are you running from (avoiding) and why? Sometimes life gets tricky, but we must face it to make it a little lighter.
Have you watched Bojack Horseman? Are there any quotes you particularly like? Let us know in the comment section!