This Avatar Aang figure is worthy of collection

You can already pre-order it, we tell you how

This Avatar Aang figure is worthy of collection

You can already pre-order it, we tell you how

It will always be cool to have collectibles from our favorite anime, series, or video games. This time, we will present you with an incredible figure worthy of a collection from one of the most popular animated series.

Dark Horse Direct has collaborated again with Nickelodeon to create an incredible figure of a much-loved main character: Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

In this incredible figure, you can see Aang demonstrating his airbending skills, wielding his glider staff, and being accompanied by everyone's favorite winged lemur, Momo.

Here you can check it out:

Avatar: The Last Airbender - Aang Statue
Avatar: The Last Airbender - Aang Statue

Something surprising about this figure is one specific detail they added, which is not easy to find at first. If you look closely you can discover marring the blue arrow tattoo on Aang’s back is the scar from Azula’s lightning strike which blocked his seventh chakra and cut off his connection to the Avatar State.

The statue also shows Aang wearing his clothes from Book 3 Fire Nation attire as he prepares to face Fire Lord Ozai.


-Avatar: The Last Airbender- Aang Statue
-Certificate of Authenticity

Here are the additional details and dimensions:

-Edition Size: 2000
-Expected to Ship to Customers: February - April 2023
-Materials: Polyresin
-Sculptor: BigShot Toyworks
-Prototyping and Paint: Jason Wires Productions
-Ordering Limitations: 2 Per Customer
-Product Packaging Size: 20.28” (515.11 mm) L x 12.6” (320.04 mm) W x 8.27” (210.06 mm) H
-Product + Packaging Dimensional Weight: 16 lbs (7.26 kg)

You can Pre-Order now this amazing Aang Statue by Clicking here.

Would you add this statue to your collection? Let us know in the comments.

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