Fans want Steve not to be usable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournaments

A sector of the community believes that the Minecraft character is very powerful

Fans want Steve not to be usable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournaments

A sector of the community believes that the Minecraft character is very powerful

There are still many active players and high-level tournaments of the video game Super Smash Bros: Ultimate, this great game with more than 80 selectable fighters makes it the largest and most diverse in the franchise.

With many playable options, there are all kinds of characters, from slow ones, fast ones, or the worst: spammers. For Nintendo, it has undoubtedly been a challenge to find the balance in the game having all kinds of characters, and indeed in the professional tournaments of the game, many players use many strong characters that cause a lot of damage to win the games.

Some time ago, they added the character Steve in collaboration with the Minecraft game. The character combines many different abilities that display many animations from the original game. However, this powerful fighter has given a lot to talk about as players have petitioned to ban Steve from professional Smash tournaments.


Acola, a professional gamer just 15 years old, caused much to talk about in May after he won a significant tournament in Japan while using the Minecraft character. In June, he again made headlines after beating competitors from Europe and North America at the Gimvitational event.

While no one can deny the skill of this pro player and future esports star, the Nintendo video game community took advantage of his victories to send out a timely request: that tournament organizers ban Steve.


Of course, Acola isn't the only player to use Steve in a competitive setting. In early July, Angel “Onin” Mireles used the protagonist of Mojang's video game at the GOML Major in Toronto and emerged victorious from the said competition. His victory, it seems, was the straw that broke the camel's back.

On July 6, the British Columbia team of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate announced a strike that will consist of all its players using Steve in tournaments to get the events to ban the controversial character. In the same post, he urged other gamers to join the movement.

As expected, the initiative generated mixed opinions. While some players applauded the idea, others said it would be a futile attempt that won't pan out. Also, some point out that this will allow players not participating in the strike to beat inexperienced competitors using the character easily.

Finally, GimR, responsible for one of the most relevant events of the Nintendo video game, was very forceful and assured on Twitter that he would not ban Steve despite the protest from British Columbia. Of course, we will have to wait to find out if other tournaments take the same stance or if, on the contrary, they will give in and ban the character from Minecraft.

But tell us, what do you think of this movement? Do you think it will work? Do you think the community exaggerates? Let us read you in the comments.


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