Potion Permit is the perfect video game for cozy games lovers

If you enjoy Stardew Valley, you will surely enjoy this game

Potion Permit is the perfect video game for cozy games lovers

If you enjoy Stardew Valley, you will surely enjoy this game

If you enjoy cozy games with relaxing but entertaining music in the style of Stardew Valley, this next title may interest you.

We are talking about Potion Permit, an indie role-playing adventure game that will be released on September 22 this year for PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.


Potion Permit takes you on a journey to Moonbury, a remote and peaceful town isolated from modern advances.
The town of Moonbury has always been wary of the advances of the outside world, preferring to rely on their traditional healing methods. Until one day, when the Mayor's daughter falls ill, and the local Witch Doctor can do nothing to help her, they are forced to look outside their small community for help.

The Medical Association decides to send their most accomplished Chemist - you - to help cure the Mayor's daughter, but also to convince the residents of Moonbury of the wonders of modern alchemy.

Here is the most recent trailer:

As you can see in the trailer, it looks like a quiet video game perfect for hanging out. If you are interested in knowing more about this game, a demo is available on Steam, so you can try the gaming experience and see if it convinces you of its release date.


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