Shinji Hashimoto explores new horizons after retiring from Square Enix

Hashimoto will continue to deliver new surprises for everyone

Shinji Hashimoto explores new horizons after retiring from Square Enix

Hashimoto will continue to deliver new surprises for everyone

After 28 years of transcendental work in Square Enix, former game producer Shinji Hashimoto has closed this chapter. It was uncertain what he would do after retiring, but today the world received an inspiring update from his Twitter account. Hashimoto has recently joined Sony Music Entertainment as both a senior advisor and a board member at the subsidiary ForwardWorks.

It’s still uncertain what he’s working on right now, but his role alone reveals that he’ll be in charge of meaningful projects with Sony. He just asks us to be patient because he will share what he’s working on, but it’s not the right time just yet.

Here’s the entire message from Shinji Hashimoto:

“Apologies for so many personal posts, but I wanted to share some news that from today I have started work as both a senior advisor at Sony Music Entertainment, as well as a board member at their subsidiary, ForwardWorks.

At my previous role, I had always been supported both by others in the industry, as well as by countless fans, and I would like to continue to focus my efforts into the creation of entertainment. I am turning over a new leaf, per se, but it might be a bit of time before I can share exactly what I am working on in these new roles. When it seems like the time is right, I will be sure to share an update with you all.
It’s going to be a new adventure for me as I get a bit older at 64 years old, but as always I appreciate everyone’s support. For those reading this around the world, please give me some time to share more. To all of the creative minds out there, I look forward to working with you!”

What are your thoughts on Hashimoto's new role? Let us know in the comment section!


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