Last Saturday we went through the COLLISION event and finally felt like we were catching a break. Sloane is now definitely gone, Jonesy is back as we remembered him, and everyone can finally relax and take a break from the constant survival mode. It almost feels like the last celebration scene from Star Wars VI. On the new season trailer, the map looks so much friendlier now; there even is a roller coaster to hop on! It looks like peace has been restored, at least for the time being. The last few seconds from the video show someone watching our little virtual world ominously. But let’s focus on the winning and the celebrations.
The new Fortnite season is here and we are thrilled to share with you all the ‘deets’. There’s a huge party going on, and everyone’s invited! Start vibin’ and let yourself go in this colorful, and for some reason mushroomy, map. Glide, run and explore the vibe. Discover new locations and new friends along the way. Wait a minute, is that Indiana Jones? Oh, well, yes it is! How cool is it that we have the first official Battle Pass character? It most probably has to do with the recent announcement for the franchise’s new movie. But wait, there’s another Lucasfilm character joining the Battle Pass. And he most definitely will lure you to the dark side. They have cookies, so it’s ok.
Yes! Darth Vader will be part of this season too! And he looks like he’s ready to ace the game.
Here is an overview of Fortnite’s season, Vibin’ (via Epic Games):
In chapter 3 season 3: vibin’, the island is one giant party. bounce around in reality falls, ride atop creatures, brave the screwballer coaster, and revel with a fresh arsenal. Drop into season 3 and spread the good vibes! The reality tree has blossomed on the island, forming a new biome in the process! this location called reality falls is a lush forest of mushrooms, bouncy mushrooms, and trees of purple. When you’re not browsing its flora, swim beneath its waterfalls, seek loot in its cavern, and spring from its geysers.

Ballers are back! Roll around and grapple onto surfaces, but don’t just roll as you did before. in the spirit of celebration, get on the (totally safe) screwballer for a high-flying amusement park ride. Don’t let the high-speed fun stop with ballers: jump on a wolf or boar to ride on it! you don’t have to dismount to fight — shoot and throw weapons while atop your steed.
Reality seed pods are spreading from the reality tree. Plant a reality seed to grow a reality sapling — which grows in the same place match to match! Saplings bear better loot each time you weed them, so keep weeding a sapling until it bears mythic loot. When it wilts away, plant the seed left behind!

Display your combat ability with brand-new weapons! Hit hard with the hammer assault rifle, powerful at many ranges, deal a double punch with the two-shot shotgun, launching a burst of two powerful shots, and go the distance with the designated marksman rifle, a new weapon class altogether.
Bring different sides together with this season’s battle pass. In addition to Darth Vader himself, the chapter 3 season 3 battle pass includes the anti-hero Evie, the defender Adira, and five more outfits. Speaking of assembling outfits, customize the parts of “snap”! Later on in the season. Unlock world-famous archaeologist Indiana Jones.

Are you excited about Fortnite’s season? Let us know in the comment section!