Kratos vs. Master Chief, whose side are you on?

An epic mob makes this fantasy fight into a fantastic reality

Kratos vs. Master Chief, whose side are you on?

An epic mob makes this fantasy fight into a fantastic reality

How often us gamers fantasize about amazing melees between our favorite characters. Setting aside the games that already offer this possibility, there are still a lot of variations left to watch. Sadly, most of the time, these fabulous ideas remain until a modder comes along. Let’s picture for a second… Kratos and Master Chief face each other in a legendary physical encounter.

Yup, someone couldn’t just imagine both giants and decided to recreate this battle for us to watch.

How cool is this? Thanks to a God of War mod, the encounter became too real, and the internet went completely mad.

Modder and content creator Kidskull took the famous Halo character to God of War (2018) to encounter the mighty Kratos by replacing Baldr (which restricts the actual capacity of Spartan 117). He confessed that it took almost 13 hours to get the results he was looking for to make the battle look as accurate as it could be.

Who would win the fight? Everyone kept asking the same question, and many theories popped up. Some people believe that Kratos would easily win because of his combat skills and overpowering force. But there’s also the strength and agility of Master Chief (although it doesn’t show because of the mod adaptation). So I think it would be a close call; both characters have strong suits on their side. Maybe I lean more towards Master Chief’s side, but it’s not for much.

What are your thoughts on this mod? Whose side are you on? Let us know in the comment section!


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