Fortnite: "Is trying to gouge players", Epic made controversial change to Battle Royale and fans are upset

Update 29.20 included adjustments that were not well received by the community

Fortnite: "Is trying to gouge players", Epic made controversial change to Battle Royale and fans are upset

Update 29.20 included adjustments that were not well received by the community

Epic Games released this week the update 29.20 for Fortnite: Battle Royale and made players angry. This because the update includes a major change related to the store and the cosmetic items offered in it. Players protested and asked the company to return everything to its original state, as they consider it a bad practice. They think that Epic is only looking to make more money and, in a way, cheat and swindle its users.

Epic removed the rarity system in Fortnite: Battle Royale

Epic Games removed a very important element of Fortnite
Epic Games removed a very important element of Fortnite

The most recent update to the game generated controversy as it removed the old system of colors and names that served to distinguish the rarity of various cosmetic items. According to the company, it made this adjustment as the store has evolved over the years and now hosts a wide range of aesthetic content.

Epic explained that certain sets of items will continue to be identified by the name of various series, such as the Icon Series or the Legends Series of the game. In this way, players will be able to easily find special content.

On the other hand, the studio announced that, from the end of May, it will show the expected date on which each of the items in its store will disappear. Thus, there will now be an individual countdown for each item and not a general one for the entire store.

Players of Fortnite: Battle Royale believe that Epic wants to rip them off

As expected, the community had a negative reaction to the update and the removal of the color system to identify the rarity of items. Many believe that the lack of this distinctive will allow Epic to price skins and other accessories as it wants.

Others claim that this is a bad sign for all Battle Royale players, as they fear that in the future they will have to spend more for even the most basic items in the title. Because of this, players claimed that Epic Games wants to rip them off. At the time of writing, the company has not responded to the criticism.

"I hate this locker UI change, and I think it's in an effort to disassociate rarity and price to make more money from players. Fortnite is trying to gouge players more and more! With scummy marketing tactics," stated one upset fan.

Players are upset with changes to Fortnite
Players are upset with changes to Fortnite


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