Executive from Tango responds to Xbox and showcases awards for Hi-Fi RUSH

"Isn't it enough?" posted Kazuaki Egashira.

Executive from Tango responds to Xbox and showcases awards for Hi-Fi RUSH

"Isn't it enough?" posted Kazuaki Egashira.

Tension between former employees of Tango Gameworks and Xbox hasn't been delayed after the sudden announcement of the closure of the Japanese studio that achieved relevance and success with franchises like The Evil Within and Hi-Fi RUSH. Amidst the surprise, an executive from the studio ironically responded to the controversial comment from Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios.

Kazuaki Egashira from Tango Gameworks questions Matt Booty and Xbox

Through a post on his X account, Kazuaki Egashira, formerly a project manager at Tango Gameworks, delivered a backhanded slap to Matt Booty and Xbox following the closure of the Japanese studio. The executive showcased images of the awards and recognitions garnered by Hi-Fi RUSH, a game that was released surprisingly with a fresh proposition, whose fun and quality earned it worldwide acclaim. These photos were accompanied by the phrase "Isn't it enough?"

This post is a response to statements from Matt Booty, head of Xbox Game Studios, who mentioned that the brand and its business "currently need smaller scale games that guarantee them prestige and awards," essentially what Tango Gameworks did with Hi-Fi RUSH, thus rendering this perspective from the North American executive nonsensical.

Currently, fans of Hi-Fi RUSH lament Tango Gameworks' closure but have shown a noble gesture towards the game and the Japanese studio as they initiated a barrage of positive reviews on Steam to improve its rating and introduce more players to the worth of this title.

Regrettably, the closure of Tango Gameworks wasn't even rumored, it was sudden, as evidenced by the studio's plans for a sequel and its readiness for development when they were notified of the end of their story.

Stay tuned here on LEVEL UP.

Source 1, Source 2


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